Crane Resource Statistics

The statistics reported for cranes are very similar to regular dynamic resource statistics. The following definitions highlight the differences in the interpretations.

In Use Includes the following states:

Stationary use at a location via GET, JOINTLY GET, and USE statements.

Gross move time while delivering — actually carrying an entity from one location to another.

Pickup and deposit times before and after the move to deliver.

Travel To Use Is the gross move time to start being used — traveling to respond to a request for either stationary use or use to pickup and deliver an entity to another location.

Gross Move Time May include the following times:

Moving towards the actual destination.

Possibly moving away from the destination, when bumped away by a higher priority bridge in the same envelope.

Stationary blockage times during which the bridge is waiting for a higher move priority bridge in the same envelope to lower its move priority.

Blocked Time Tally blocked time by subtracting the internally computed, hypothetical net traveling time from the actual incurred gross move time. ProModel defines the net time as the time a crane would have taken to get to its destination if it were the only bridge in its envelope.

Please note

The first component of gross travel time (moving towards the actual destination) may be greater than the net travel time, since it may include going back towards the destination after another crane bumps it away. It may also involve deviations from the bridge’s original motion values when queued-up behind slower bridges.